Escape from the Academy

If you have completed all the other objectives and are in the cathedral area, you will find that the way you entered the catacombs is blocked by fallen masonry.  The only way out is through the library - go up to the top floor, exit via the barrack room, go through the double doors, walk clockwise round the passage and go through the door on the South side. The main hall is up the steps.

From the main hall you need to get back to the starting point.  The place is swarming with undead, and it is difficult to avoid being seen.   If the South door from the main hall is shut and guarded go up to the top corridor, South to the bar and then down to the boxroom.  Otherwise, use the South door from the main hall.

The quickest method now is to drink the Speed potion (if you still have it) and run to the start point, swerving round and dodging the opposition on the way. Objective complete!